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English Language Refresher Course
A thorough revision and study on fixed expressions, collocations, prepositions, phrases, and phrasal verbs
• Vacantes limitadas
Aimed at teachers, trainee teachers, translators, and people who have an advanced level of written and spoken English.

Sometimes we ask ourselves questions such as:
Is this a fixed expression?
Is it countable or uncountable?
Does it collocate with this word?
Is it singular or plural? Could it be both?
Which preposition do I have to write with this word?
Is this structure used with subjunctive?

The aim of this course is the study of:
• Grammatical structures
• Complex grammatical structures
• One word prepositions
• Compound prepositions
• Phrasal verbs
• Prepositional verbs versus phrasal verbs
• A wide variety of collocations
• Fixed expressions
• Possible interference errors

Duración: 8 horas
Lugar: Capital Federal
Modalidad online.
Costo: $22.000 (Se debe abonar el 50% del total del curso al momento de hacer una reserva de vacante, y el resto a abonar antes del comienzo).

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